See God’s promises fulfilled through your generosity.
Money and church can be a touchy issue – but it doesn’t have to be. We don’t give because God needs our money, and we don’t give because the church needs our money. It’s much bigger than that. We give because God asked us to, and following through shows that we trust Him.
God knows that your loyalty is found where your money is (Matthew 6:19-21). And because God wants to be first in our lives, He asks us to trust Him with our money.
For Christians, tithing (a word meaning ‘tenth’) is the starting point. Tithing is giving the first 10% of our income back to the local church. We encourage you to give generously, knowing that your money is being used to support the mission of Jesus Christ – both here in Chattanooga and around the world.
Online Giving
Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.

The 30 Day Tithe Challenge
We can’t out give God… The Bible says we can trust God’s promises. When we bring our first and best back to God, He promises to bless the rest. Will you accept the challenge?